Smelly Stables!

If 2020 was a place, it might look like a stable.
A smelly spot we got “stuck” in on the way to somewhere else.

The wind blows through the cracks,
our companions might feel mute and smelly,
we feel vulnerable and exposed.

Even for a pregnant teenager 2,020 years ago
a stable was not an ideal place to birth the Promise.
The “stable walls” of your December 2020 may not look like an ideal place to be.

Can I pass by your “stable” of circumstances in this minute? Can I bend low through the door of disappointment and delays?
Can I crunch over the straw of uncertainty and fear?

...AND can we marvel together at the TRUTH that this is in fact

It’s the very place He CAME TO DWELL AMONG US 2,020 years ago!
and His plan has not changed.

So join me, let’s light the candle, put the kettle on, posture our hearts before Him and set the table for the King in this “stable” of our year!

He is HERE beloveds, Emmanuel GOD WITH US!